Senin, 18 Agustus 2014


Diposting oleh Annisa Fauzhiya di 10.22 0 komentar

Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) adalah sebuah komitmen bersama masyarakat internasional untuk mempercepat pembangunan manusia dan pengentasan kemiskinan. MDGs merupakan deklarasi milenium hasil kesepakatan kepala Negara dan perwakilan dari 189 negara Perserikatan Bangsa-bangsa (PBB) yang mulai dijalankan pada September 2000, berupa delapan butir tujuan untuk dicapai pada tahun 2015. 

Deklarasi itu berdasarkan pendekatan yang inklusif, dan berpijak pada perhatian bagi pemenuhan hak-hak dasar manusia. Di dalam KTT Milenium tersebut juga dihasilkan konsensus yang merangkai upaya-upaya untuk mencapai tujuan MDGs dengan perhatian utama pada hak asasi manusia, tata pemerintahan yang baik, demokratisasi, pencegahan konflik, dan pembangunan perdamaian. 

Pada mulanya, MDGs merupakan sebuah review atas kebijakan pembangunan yang dikeluarkan oleh OECD-DAC pada pertengahan tahun 1990 dan kemudian dimasukkan kedalam Tujuan Pembangunan Internasional (Internasional Development Goals) tahun 2000 dan direvisi menjadi Tujuan Pembangunan Milenium (Millenium Development Goals) pada KTT Milenium. Setiap tujuan (goal) dari MDGs memiliki satu atau beberapa target dengan beberapa indikatornya. MDGs memiliki 8 tujuan, 18 target, dan 48 indikator yang telah disusun oleh konsensus para ahli dari sekertariat PBB, Dana Moneter Internasional (IMF), Organisasi untuk Pembangunan dan Kerjasama Ekonomi (OECD) dan Bank Dunia.

1. Tujuan  : Menanggulangi Kemiskinan dan Kelaparan         
target : Menurunkan proporsi penduduk yang tingkat pendapatannya di bawah $1 per hari       menjadi setengahnya antara 1990–2015. Menurunkan proporsi penduduk yang menderita       kelaparan menjadi setengahnya antara tahun 1990–2015.
2. Tujuan : Mencapai Pendidikan Dasar untuk Semua       
target : Memastikan pada 2015 semua anak dimanapun, laki-laki maupun perempuan, dapat menyelesaikan seluruh pendidikan dasar.
3. Tujuan : Mendorong Kesetaraan Gender dan Pemberdayaan Perempuan        
target : Menghilangkan ketimpangan gender di tingkat pendidikan dasar dan lanjutan pada  tahun 2005 dan di semua jenjang pendidikan tidak lebih dari tahun 2015
4. Tujuan : Menurunkan Angka Kematian Anak         
target : Menurunkan angka kematian balita sebesar dua pertiganya, antara 1990-2015
5. Tujuan : Meningkatkan Kesehatan Ibu
target : Menurunkan angka kematian ibu sebesar tiga perempatnya antara tahun 1990 dan 2015
6. Tujuan : Memerangi HIV/AIDS, Malaria, dan Penyakit Menular Lainnya
target : Mengendalikan penyebaran HIV/AIDS dan mulai menurunnya jumlah kasus baru pada tahun 2015
7. Tujuan : Memastikan Keberlanjutan Lingkungan Hidup
target : Memadukan prinsip-prinsip pembangunan berkelanjutan dengan kebijakan dan program nasional dan mengurangi pengrusakan lingkungan. Mencapai perbaikan yang berarti dalam kehidupan penduduk miskin di  pemukiman kumuh pada tahun 2020
8. Tujuan : Membangun Kemitraan Global untuk Pembangunan
t    target : Memberikan perhatian khusus pada negara-negara miskin.  Dalam kerja samanya dengan negara-negara berkembang, pengembangan dan penerapan strategi untuk para remaja pada pekerjaan yang produktif dan layak. 

s    Tahun 2014  merupakan periode akhir dari program dari MDGs, dimana MDGs atau Millenium Development Goals akan segera berakhir pada tahun 2015. program ini nantinya akan berlanjut pada SDGs atau Suistainable Development Goals.                                                                                                                


Rabu, 06 Agustus 2014

Have you ever tried these exotic fruits?

Diposting oleh Annisa Fauzhiya di 21.17 0 komentar
Do you guys want to try all of these weird exotic fruits? Have you even ever heard of them before? Let's check......

# Pepino
Pepino is a very unique fruit because when it is fresh and only a few days off the plant it will taste sweet, and then a few days after that it will taste more like a vegetable, similar to a cucumber. Keep refridgerated to maintain sweetness. Pepino melon is becoming more popular in the US and can often be found in organic food markets or specialty produce stores.

# Capuacu
The flesh of a capuacu is often used in desserts because of its chocolatey pineapple flavor. The exocarp of a capuacu is very hard and may have to be sawed open in order to get to the sweet and tangy pulp on the inside. 

# Langsat
When you open up a langsat you will notice a small translucent orb-shaped fruit on the inside. An unripe langsat is extremely sour but a ripe langsat tastes very similar to a bittersweet grapefruit. As of right now the best place to find these in the US would be Hawaii. I think langsat is similiar in indonesia with 'duku'. Aloha! 

# Miraclefruit
Miraclefruit got its name due to its ability to make sour fruit taste sweet when their juices are mixed together. Miraclefruit berries are very sweet and highly perishable which is why they are often frozen of freeze dried. This exotic fruit is very hard to find in stores but can be ordered from many websites in several different forms.

# Jaboticaba
At first glance a jaboticaba might look like a pimple on a tree, as it appears to grow directly from the tree's bark. Jaboticaba is often compared to grape because of its grape-like texture and sweet flavor. Often used in wines and liqueurs, the jaboticaba can be found in the US state of California.

# Cherimoya
The taste of a cherimoya is best described as a cross between a banana and a pineapple. The best way to eat it is to open it up and scoop out the insides with a spoon. Cherimoyas can be found on the west coast in Hispanic markets or farmers markets in California. If you don't live on the west coast a quick Google search will return quite a few retailers that sell them online.

# Durian
Durian is one of the most unique fruits in the world because its outer shell resembles that of a porcupine or puffer fish. Durian is said to taste similar to pineapple and buttermilk but is often described as an acquired taste. 

# Dragon fruit
Dragon Fruit is one of the most unique-looking fruits on the planet and not many people know that it is a cactus-bred fruit. When you open up a Dragon Fruit, you will notice a texture similar to kiwifruit due to its crunchy black seeds. It is one of the wildest fruits to look at and its taste is often described as having a mild sweetness.

Goji Berry
Goji berry is a bright orange-red berry and is normally found growing on shrubs in China. Odds are you've probably drank something with goji berry in it, because the berry is a common ingredient in tea, wine, juice and various medicines. Goji berry is known to reduce high blood pressure, fevers and even prevent diabetes.

African Horned Cucumber
Spiky and yellow on the outside but green and juicy on the inside, this exotic fruit is sometimes called the "blowfish fruit." It tastes like a cross between a zucchini and a cucumber. 

Before the ackee opens up it looks very similar to a human brain, but after it opens up you will see three or four very large seeds surrounded by a cream-colored section. The seeds and red lining are then removed until you are left with only the flesh. Once the flesh is cooked it is creamy in texture and quite bitter in taste.


Diposting oleh Annisa Fauzhiya di 20.49 0 komentar
We often eat to calm down or cheer up when we're feeling stressed or depressed. now new research suggest there's a reason : food changes our brain chemistry. these changes powerfully influence our moods. but can certain foods really make us feel better? nutrition experts say yes. but what should we eat and what should we avoid? here are the food that work the best, as well as those that can make a bad day worse.

To Outsmart Stress-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
What's good? Recent research suggests that foods that are high in carbohydrates, such as bread, rice, and pasta, can help you calm down. reasearchers say that carbohydrates cause the brain to release a chemical called serotonin. serotonin makes you feel better.
What's bad? Many people drink coffee when they feel stress. the heat is soothing and the caffeine in coffee might help you think more clearly. but if you drink too much, you may become even more anxious and irritable.

To Soothe the Blues----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
What's good? Introduce more lean meat, chicken, seafood, and whole grains into your diet. these foods have a lot of selenium. selenium is a mineral that helps people feel more relaxed and happy. you can also try eating a nut every day. one nut contains a lot of selenium.
What's bad? When they're feeling low, many people turn to comfort foods - or foods that make them feel happy or secure. these often include things like sweet desserts. a chocolate bar may make you feel better at first, but within an hour you may feel worse than you did before.


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